Monday 12 April 2010

Tree and Bird Card

I did not design this card - I think that it was in the latest copy of Simply Cards and Papercraft. But, it is not something that I have tried to do before, so thought that I would give it a go.

The magazine had a template that I traced onto a white card blank. I used a craft knife to cut out the tree. It was easier then I thought!

I lined the back of the card with a green floral paper I had, and then edged the card with a yellow sticky border. That was quite tricky to get sraight, and you can see that it ended up a bit wonky.

I then used some of the same green floral paper and plain green card to use as the grass. I then used a leaf punch to give the tree some leaves.

This is the finished card - I stuck some bird bubble stickers from Accessorize and placed them on the branches. The magazine had used bird stamps, but I didn't have any the right size. I think the stickers are cute anyway!
This is a close up of a butterfly sticker I stuck on to hide some glue I accidently blobbed on the card! I really didn't want to waste the time I had spent on this.
If something doesn't work out how you wanted - don't throw it away, there may be something you can do to salvage it.
See you soon,

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