Wednesday 7 April 2010

First Post

Hi there and welcome to my blog.

This is my first post on my first ever blog. I am not expecting anyone to read this yet!

I have decided to start this blog as I have been inspired by other crafty bloggers. I suppose what I am really trying to do, is to keep a record of all my crafty thoughts. I have always like arty things - I have not always been successful though! I first got into card making around a year ago when I had to make my wedding invitations to save money.

I am learning new techniques and picking up tips along the way. If I can give ideas to others then that would be great!

I don't know how regularly I will blog. I guess it depends how quickly I can work out all of the blog functions..... although so far so good.

I was reading another lady's blog and she has set herself a challenge of making one card per day. I love this idea, I don't know if I can do this everyday, but I am going to give it a go! I want to learn how to post photos as I made a really cute (and quick) card with some great geisha bubble stickers from Poundland.

Once I have this down I will start to log my daily successes or failures.

If anyone is reading this - goodbye for now.


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